Losing one’s job is one of the effects of tffhe COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The drivers of bus and truck as the backbone of goods distribution, service, and passengers are heavily affected, as they have to stop working because of the pandemic. Therefore, through Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT), PT Daimler Commercial Vehicles Indonesia (DCVI) conducts Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program as the company’s social responsibility to help easing the economic situation faced by bus and truck drivers in a difficult time like this.

FB IG Feeds (bus truck carousel 01)   Foto CSR
FB IG Feeds (bus truck carousel 03)   Foto CSR min

Utilizes all means and networks from ACT (Aksi Cepat Tanggap), DCVI distributes the donation for bus and truck drivers living in Bekasi and Bogor, West Java. The donation consists of basic foods (SEMBAKO) and health kit, such as facemask. Jung Woo Park, the President Director of PT Daimler Commercial Vehicles Indonesia says, “This assistance is a form of our company commitment and social responsibility to bus and truck drivers in Indonesia who have worked hard and helped us delivering goods, service and passengers. Unfortunately, many of them have to stop operating due to the pandemic. Thus, we hope that this small assistance and our sincere intention can help the bus and truck drivers, as the unsung heroes, to face the hard times in Indonesia right now.”

Jung Woo Park also adds that through the latest initiative done by DCVI, the bus and truck drivers who cannot work at the moment hopefully can live a better life during the difficult times of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. “In addition to that, DCVI is also committed to support the Indonesian government in preventing the effects of the global pandemic and to make Indonesia moving forwards safely,” he says.

FB IG Feeds (bus truck carousel 06)   Foto CSR min
FB IG Feeds (bus truck carousel 04)   Foto CSR min

To carry out Daimler social responsibility in Indonesia, previously, PT Mercedes-Benz Distribution Indonesia (MBDI) had started its first donation by donating Sprinter Van as an Emergency Ambulance for the Health Agency in Jakarta in last April. Then, in May, it is continued by fundraising donation through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) with the theme “Do Not Give Up”, and distributed aids of basic daily necessities and health protection kit in the form of washable masks, given to the community living around the Mercedes-Benz factory in Wanaherang, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia.

FB IG Feeds (bus truck carousel 07)   Foto CSR min
FB IG Feeds (bus truck carousel 02)   Foto CSR min

In addition, the support and social action then continued by donating Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to medical workers in Cibinong Regional General Hospital, West Java, conducted by PT Mercedes-Benz Indonesia (MBI) together with PT Daimler Commercial Vehicles Manufacturing Indonesia (DCVMI).

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